Past Lives Report
- Presentation:
- Chart Specifications: c. 20 - 30 pages. Black & White
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- Please allow 48 hours to receive you chart via email after ordering and submitting completed information form. All charts are emailed.
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You have likely had such activity, and also, possibly, the skill of knowing something, that reason, you had no way of knowing: such knowledge often seems as if it does not truly belong to you, and yet at the same time you are more sure of it, perhaps, than anything else you have known. You may also present abilities and skills for which you have had no training. There is an excuse!
For centuries astrology has used symbols to describe past lives. For some astrologers, these are natural ideas and for others they are physical, but for all, they design the experiences we inherit and the efforts we confront across the span of many lives. Bernie Ashman has improved a system for creating a past life chart that represents life as a continual growth and maturation process. These Past Lives Express personal report software interprets an individual's past life chart and provides insight into past occurrences, as well as talents we have presented in the past and may today, and obstructions we face as a result of the designs we continue to work through in each progressive reality.
Past Lives personal report is a window letting you look backward, across the spectrum of time, in order to view the foundation of who you are today. This is an analysis of your karmic development, as viewed through your own personal natal chart. No, it will not tell you whether you were a Napoleon or a Josephine, specifically; it will, however, tell you the what, or substance, of who you have been, and how past experiences and events have helped to shape you that exists today. These visions may answer questions that have long troubled you, and perhaps help you unlock potential that, although you have felt it for some time, you have never realized in your present existence. Although what you learn, it is an exploit you will enjoy and remember for a long time.
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Chart Specifications: c. 20 - 30 pages. Black & White
Recently a growing number of astrologers have begun to apply the idea of karmic law to the interpretation of astrological charts. Some have gone further with their research and have developed techniques that allow them to glimpse past patterns and relate them to a person's current natal chart. By past patterns we are not referring to those developed earlier in life but to patterns and tendencies from an earlier life or lives. The results are intriguing, exciting, and at times very revealing.
For centuries, astrology has used symbols to represent past lives and karma. For some, these are literal concepts and for others they are psychological but for all, they represent the experiences we inherit and the struggles we confront across the duration of many lives.
Our past life chart shows life as a continual evolution. This Past Lives report interprets this chart and provides insight into the talents and obstacles we face as a result of the patterns we continue to work through in each successive reality.
Please allow 48 hours to receive you chart via email after ordering and submitting completed information form. All charts are emailed.